Making your pregnancy a joyful time for you and a healthy one for your baby involves many things. The following article provides you with helpful and sensible advice that is easy to follow and beneficial for both you and your little one. Start implementin
Have your significant other make healthy changes in their life as well. As you make all these big changes in your eating habits and activities, having someone to lean on will be a big advantage. If you do it together, it will help you both keep on track with these changes.
Start tracking your monthly menstrual cycle. This way you will know when you ovulate. This can help you find when the best time is to try to conceive a baby. This will also help when you become pregnant because you will be better able to determine a due date for your baby.
Make sure the water you're drinking during your pregnancy is safe. Tap water may contain fluoride, percholate, and lead, while bottled water may contain the same impurities as well as other chemicals such as BPA. Instead, invest in a tap water filter, and use a stainless steel or glass water bottle when out of the house.
Do not avoid sex when you are pregnant. Many women are under the assumption that sex can harm their unborn child, but this is not true. In fact, sex can be helpful. Women have high hormone levels when pregnant, and having sex can help relieve some of the stress that these hormones give them.
It is very important for a woman in her third trimester to sleep on her left side. Sleeping in this position gives the greatest amount of blood to your fetus, and also causes good flow to the kidneys and uterus. You shouldn't sleep on your back because this is the absolute worst position for the blood flow.
You may have many craving while pregnant; however, it may be unwise to fulfill every one of them. Remember that your unborn child has nutritional needs and so do you. If Baby eat to satisfy your cravings, you may not be meeting your nutritional needs or those of your expected little one.
It is important to see a doctor once you have a pregnancy test that is positive. It is recommended that for the first trimester, you see your practitioner once a month. Typically, most women are seen between 8 and 10 weeks gestation. At this time, blood work is done and your urine is checked for protein and sugar.
If you're pregnant and you eat a bad food, or contract an illness that makes you have diarrhea, drink a lot of fluids. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration, which may require hospitalization and IV fluids.
Have pictures and stories prepared to share with your baby once they are older. Kids love to see what their mothers looked like while pregnant. Take photos each month as you're growing, and then show them to the child when they're ready or when they ask to see them.
Do not let stretch marks stress you out, as they are completely unavoidable for many women. While applying cocoa butter and other creams may help to lessen the itching and irritation that comes along with rapid stretching of the skin, they cannot do much to prevent the marks themselves.
Start a journal or a pregnancy blog and post this online. Sharing your experiences can be very beneficial as the people who are reading your blog can offer you advice that is unique to your stage in pregnancy. Also, this will give you documentation of how you felt during each step of the process.
Take the time to write up a birth plan. Include what you expect of your loved ones during delivery. Make certain to pack a bag that can last you overnight, including within it new baby clothes, necessary documentation, camera and insurance cards.
If you apply the suggestions from this informative guide, you will find that pregnancy is truly a time to be cherished forever. These simple yet valuable hints and tips can relieve some of your stress and help you gain confidence that both your and your unborn baby are going to remain strong and healthy.